17 Steps To Assist You When You Are Venturing Out With Your Dog After Quarantine

Page Reads: 4,717 17 Steps To Assist You When You Are Venturing Out With Your Dog After Quarantine I’m fairly certain at least one of my five dogs is excited at the thought of going to the park and playing with other dogs for the first time in weeks.  As excited as you are for your dog, your dog will be even more excited when this happens. This is a

Helping Your Dog Cope With Their Boredom During COVID-19 Quarantine

Page Reads: 5,545 Are you ready to take your dog and go play outside?  If you’re like me, being home alone in self isolation means trying to keep myself from getting bored. YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Netflix, meditation, house-cleaning, reading, catching up on paperwork or talking with friends by video. Yet, most importantly is keeping my five dogs from becoming restless and bored cognitively. Days and days together, most dogs

Pets, Especially Dog Adoption, is Increasing Due to the Coronavirus

Page Reads: 4,901 Pets, Especially Dog Adoption, is Increasing Due to the Coronavirus During the coronavirus we have seen where many shelters, due to employee and volunteer shortage are suspending or restricting pet adoption. “In California, where a shelter-in-place order is in effect, needy animals are pouring into rescue centers even as adoption programs are temporarily halted,” said Karalyn Aronow, Vice President of Operations at the East Bay SPCA. Reported

Anal Glands And The Poop Behind Them

Page Reads: 16,425 April 17, 2019 | Article Blog | 12 minute read Dogs, cats, humans…almost all mammals have anal glands. We don’t usually know it’s a problem with our dogs until we see (or hear) them licking their furry bums a little too much. Or worse…putting on a show by scooting their bums across our clean floors in their desperate effort to find anal relief. Oblivious to the horrified