VID Dog Training modernizes the classical dog training industry by utilizing science-based psychogenesis to evaluate, diagnose and develop simple visceral tools to address the full spectrum of behavioral dysfunctions in dogs. In minutes. Literally.
“The psychological cause to which a mental illness or behavioral disturbance may be attributed (as distinct from a physical cause).”
VID Dog Training stands for ‘Viscerally Intuitive Dog Training’. VID is proprietary.
VID is the only 100% successful dog training method in the world.
NO treats.
NO medication.
NO alpha.
NO shock collars.
NO prong/choke/painful collars.
Collar & leash is all anyone needs.
Psychogenesis modernization of dog training.
James has successfully trained the most “extremely dangerous” Great Dane in North America in 2016/2017. Alone.
Tonka was New York Court-designated as an “extremely dangerous” giant dog. He had 3 active kill orders due to having attacked and bitten a total of 16 people through 7 different adopters in 19 months. Every ‘top trainer’, master dog trainers, internationally-recognized animal behaviorists in North America unanimously declared to the affluent Southampton Animal Shelter (New York) this innocent dog could “never be trained” because Tonka was “too dangerous and can’t be medicated enough”.
Fortunately, the Southampton Animal Shelter wanted Tonka to have a real life instead of being slated to be killed for his viciousness due to absolutely no fault of his own. He was partially blind and hearing impaired with slight brain damage from being beaten so badly, that the shelter knew it was the humans that profoundly failed him. They moved Heaven and Earth to get him to me…including fighting a Court Trial by animal control’s attempt to force the shelter to kill him.
Great Danes are normally very passive, affectionate dogs with the moniker ‘Gentle Giants’ and the ‘Apollo of Dogs’. But with constant human abuse of beatings and much worse. This giant dog far exceeded Dr. Ian Dunbar’s ‘bite level 6’ in that Tonka became predatorial and deliberate with mortal intent. Whereas ‘bite level 6’ (equivalent to our ‘V-6’ Dysfunction Scale) summarily executes dogs like this, James dedicated his personal safety and time to provide long term rehabilitation for free, despite knowing that every trainer had turned down the shelter…or aptly, they turned down Tonka for fear he would attack and kill these trainers. Over 100 people wrote letters to the Court of New York begging the judge to give Tonka his rightful chance to be rehabilitated and feel safe and Loved for the first time in his life. Working for free, James knew he could easily save the life of this severely victimized dog, otherwise Tonka would have died on a cold shelter floor.
James is in the process of writing a blog about Tonka and their training together.
6′ 6″ Standing Height. 180+ pound/85 kilograms. 38″ withers. 700+ PSI Bite Strength. Attacked 16 people in New York. Bigger, taller, heavier than an adult male wolf. Longer than a full grown cougar. This dog would deliberately stalk James to trap and kill him during the first few weeks in his home.

VID Dog Training completely disrupts the classical dog training world.
Over 1400 days and almost 20,000 hours of real-world experience. Alone. With the most dangerous abused dogs in the world. There is no one in the world with James’ extreme level of experience. Add to that, James uses no treats, meds or aids other than a regular fabric collar & leash. This is real. This is extremely dangerous for anyone. The significant majority of master dog trainers would be critically injured or killed within 60 minutes by V-10 dysfunction-scaled dogs.
The simplicity of VID works with all dogs from V-3 to V-10.
“James Tsai is an incredible dog trainer. He works with the most hostile dogs you can imagine and helps turn (the dogs’) lives around.” Anthony McLachlan, national TV host, AMI TV (July 10, 2017)
“One of North America’s top experts in canine rehabilitation” – Vancouver Sun (March 5, 2017)
James Is Recognized By:
Court of New York
Southampton Animal Shelter, New York
Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, Los Angeles
St. Martin’s Animal Foundation, Los Angeles
Davey’s Voice, Santa Barbara
Richmond Animal Protection Society (RAPS)
Nami Kim’s Save Korean Dogs
Black Dog Rescue
Furever Freed Dog Rescue
Loved At Last Rescue
Pacific NW Bulldog Rescue
Second Chance In Life Rescue
Hobbit Rescue (Texas – state contracted animal control)
PV Mexico, Adopt, Donate, Foster and Flight Angels
Remote consultant for SRGDRR – largest Great Dane Rescue in North America
Remote consultant for Great Dane Fanatics
Trainer consultant for New Hope For Danes – oldest Great Dane Rescue in Canada (est. 1982)
Clients include new families starting out, international rescue orgs, CEOs of multinationals, entertainers.
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