Welcome To My First Blog Post :)

Page Reads: 1,353 Hello and welcome to my very first blog of my experiences successfully downtraining the most extremely complex and dangerous and skittish dogs without using food nor any training aids. I’m going to touch on a few topics…first, it’s important to explain that as much as my methods seem ‘simple’…it is rooted in six years working alone with dogs, mostly giants weighing over 150 pounds that far exceed

Shadow the Husky killed by his rescue and trainer

Page Reads: 7,215 Shadow the Husky was needlessly killed by the inept Husky breed rescuer & the unskilled dog trainer. *links at the end* This audio is from several telephone calls with Resha Sabti, the founder of Siberian Husky Education & Rescue Society. I was warned by several people to be cautious with her…I’m very glad I listened to them. These telephone conversations are AFTER my downtraining session with Shadow.

17 Steps To Assist You When You Are Venturing Out With Your Dog After Quarantine

Page Reads: 4,717 17 Steps To Assist You When You Are Venturing Out With Your Dog After Quarantine I’m fairly certain at least one of my five dogs is excited at the thought of going to the park and playing with other dogs for the first time in weeks.  As excited as you are for your dog, your dog will be even more excited when this happens. This is a

Helping Your Dog Cope With Their Boredom During COVID-19 Quarantine

Page Reads: 5,544 Are you ready to take your dog and go play outside?  If you’re like me, being home alone in self isolation means trying to keep myself from getting bored. YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Netflix, meditation, house-cleaning, reading, catching up on paperwork or talking with friends by video. Yet, most importantly is keeping my five dogs from becoming restless and bored cognitively. Days and days together, most dogs

Pets, Especially Dog Adoption, is Increasing Due to the Coronavirus

Page Reads: 4,901 Pets, Especially Dog Adoption, is Increasing Due to the Coronavirus During the coronavirus we have seen where many shelters, due to employee and volunteer shortage are suspending or restricting pet adoption. “In California, where a shelter-in-place order is in effect, needy animals are pouring into rescue centers even as adoption programs are temporarily halted,” said Karalyn Aronow, Vice President of Operations at the East Bay SPCA. Reported

MINGKI: Extremely Skittish & Unpredictable ‘Meat Dog’

Over 20,000 dogs rescued…Mingki was the one dog no one in Los Angeles could train in 4 months.

It took James Tsai 36 hours to do the “impossible”.

Of all the trainers and behaviorists in North America this well-known foundation had at their disposal, James Tsai was the one they reached out for help.


Page Reads: 9,932 Page created September 25, 2019 With Any Training…Remember This: Any Issues…Go Back To Square One. Don’t Push Progress. Your Dog Has Been Dysfunctional Their Whole Life To This Point. It Would Take A Human Months And Years To Recover From PTSD. Pushing Your Dog To Fail Then Wonder ‘Why’. Your Dog Doesn’t Regress…Your Dog Plateaus. CLICK on any of the calendar DATES to watch the link on

Is Treat Training A Dangerous Dog Counter-Intuitive?

Consider LIMA/Skinner predicating treat training dysfunctional dogs as uncogent. Okay? We give the reactive dog treats expecting (eventual) compliance. Yet nowhere in the entire canine species is food used as a communication device much less as a reward fiat

Yet that’s the litmus test on whether an aggressive dog lives or dies.


Axel: Dangerous German Shepherd

Page Reads: 5,105 Meet Axel the German Shepard, 6 year old male deemed by animal control as ‘Dangerous’ with lifetime muzzle order and 6-side cage (4 sided fence, solid floor, enclosed top). Axel has dangerous dog aggression on and off leash, severe reactivity, bitten family and friends, including in the face, without warning. He exhibited the severe terms of fear reactive, insecurity and dog and people aggression. He is physically

Gordon: Disabled 7 Month Puppy

Page Reads: 7,425 😥 Gordon is a seven month old Bulldog, paralyzed when he was pulled by his hind legs by the backyard breeder. Dumped because he’s paralyzed and considered severely aggressive. His rescue was told that to downtrain this Bulldog to be petted, held AND picked up in one session is impossible. It’s agreed it’s beyond the skill set of the ‘best of the best’ master dog trainers. Animal