existence is a random occurrence…and as such,
everything I do could be argued as meaningless.
I would still do what I’m doing because I am helping
another life in a world that, alone in this universe, we
are absolutely insignificant…I would still do what I’m
Because, and regardless…we’re PROOF in this vast
universe…that we collectively possess the most powerful
weapon in the universe.
It’s called compassion ❤️
We are more than just
being human…we are the most powerful species on this planet.
We must stop being the most cruel.

James Tsai
James has over 1400 days and almost 20,000 hours working alone primarily with extremely dangerous giant dogs. Recognized by the Court of New York to successfully rehabilitate the most extremely dangerous Great Dane (attacked 16 different people) in North America in 2016/2017.
“VID’s proprietary science-based psychogenesis evaluative dog training repeatedly and successfully rehabilitates mildly dysfunctional seven pound dogs up to extremely dangerous giant dogs weighing over 150 lbs that have developed predatorial behavior due to extreme human abuse (V-10 scaled).