Skittish Dogs: Fixing Our Bad Predictive Behavior

Page Reads: 1,847 Your dog takes physical cues from you at all times…especially when walking in small or narrow areas such as the hallway or bathroom. In these tight, restricted areas is the expectation from your dog that you will walk a tightly focused path so neither of you walk into the other. For an abused dog that’s lived through human abuse…walking that closely within a hallway is very difficult

Calming Dangerous Dogs: Keeping Lincoln Safe When David Walks Past Him

Page Reads: 1,591 If your dog doesn’t feel safe around other dogs, it’s determining whether your dog feels it’s from a (significant) threat to them physically or simply they’re feeling irritated or angry…I will stay with them. I place my hand in a single spot on their back, with the same pressure I use when giving them a reset hug. This is especially helpful for my senior and disabled dogs to