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MINGKI: Extremely Skittish & Unpredictable ‘Meat Dog’

Page created September 27, 2019

Mingki was born and raised to be sadistically tortured to death, then eaten. He was cared for by Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, extremely skittish, unpredictable and prolific biter. He was too dangerous for their most experienced fosters. They had no options. Their foundation has rescued over 20,000 dogs…some from extremely horrific and tortuous conditions…this was the one dog they couldn’t train…couldn’t figure out…couldn’t help. Of all the trainers and behaviorists in North America, they reached out to James Tsai for help.

Mingki (full YouTube playlist)

Out of 20,000 dogs they’ve rescued…this was the one dog Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation couldn’t figure out
(youtube playlist)

His issues are severely extreme for even advanced master dog trainers. A dog beyond skilled PhD behaviorists. Mingki was not a candidate for fostering. He is not used to human kindness…touch, affection, Love. He has agoraphobia, reactivity (all facets), highly skittish, fearful, distrust and unpredictable. Stress defecation. He has bitten people without warning. He has latent codependency.

Mingki is not the typical traumatized skittish ‘meat dog’ survivor. He is on the higher end of dysfunctions. Scaled at V-6.

First 36 Hours

His head bears scars of being hit very hard multiple times. One small scar is across his left eye. He is underweight, not used to various foods. His head looks big compared to his skinny body. He weighs 55 lbs (25 kgs). Mingki is a Jindo. Born (and lived) in a small wire cage in Korea for 1 1/2 years. When dogs reach 2 years, butchers cruelly torture, then kill for their meat.

A Korean rescue org saved him. Mingki flew to Los Angeles, cared for by Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation for four months @animalhopeandwellness @ahwfrescuecenter @dogpsychologytraining a highly-regarded global animal charity based in Los Angeles.

Skittish Dog Walking
Establishing Voice Key
First 8 Days

I am honored to be the first (and only Canadian) asked to provide custom crafted rehabilitation and training for their foundation. Sending Mingki is their first time as well.

The videos…all parties were given updates/pics/videos in real time.

Any dog can be rehabilitated. From mildly dysfunctional to extremely dangerous exceeding 150 lbs.

With NO medication. No treats. Collar & leash is enough.

Dogs suffer psychologically.

In memory of Nero Tsai ❤️

Marc Ching, founder

Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation

Over 20,000 dogs rescued…Mingki was the one dog no one in Los Angeles could train in 4 months.

It took James Tsai 36 hours to do the “impossible”.

Arf Arf Bark Bark Rescue Foundation
registered nonprofit

Collar & leash is enough

Modernizing Dog Training

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